Gate closer display with 5 different gate closers - PS-GATECLOSERS

Item No. P00011611 - PS-GATECLOSERS
Real-scale gate closer gate display with Tiger, Mammoth, Samson-2, Lion and Verticlose-2 gate closers. This display is an excellent sales tool to showcase the quality solutions for your showroom, events and trade fairs.
  • Includes gate with Tiger gate closer, Fortylock insert lock, VERA code lock, Puma hinge and SFKU-V keep
  • Includes gate with Mammoth gate closer, SlimStone keypad, Modulec-SA keep, LAKQ lock and Dino hinge
  • Includes gate with Samson-2 gate closer, Valentino (LOKQ) lock, Shield, SHKL keep and BoltonHD-4D hinge
  • Includes gate with Lion gate closer, LAKZ lock, SMKL keep and Bolton-HD-4D hinge
  • Includes gate with Verticlose-2 gate closer, LDKZ lock, SAKL keep and G90Z hinge